“So I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free from all
your past sins, and that within likewise you may become as pure as the river’s foam sporting in the sunlight.”

Essene Gospels of Peace

  • Single Session: $79
  • Two Sessions: $149 (Save $9)
  • Three Sessions: $209 (Save $28)
  • Six Sessions: $409 (Save $65)
  • Twelve Sessions: $789 (Save $159)
  • Eighteen Sessions: $1,129 (Save $293)
  • Twentyfour Sessions: $1,499 (Save $397)

Learn More about Colon Hydrotherapy

Understandably, some clients who first visit Atlanta Colonic & Massage and Ageless Beauty Spa may have negative or incorrect pre-conceived ideas about Colon Hydrotherapy or Colonics or may be nervous or embarrassed, while others may think colonics are a new and strange idea but soon discover what an incredible experience it is. We would like to share this experience of Natural Colon Cleansing or colonics with everyone.

With Natural Colon Cleansing, also called Colon Hydrotherapy or Colonics we have brought back the simplicity of wellness through a forgotten ancient natural method, which over time has helped maintain the wellbeing of people across many civilizations. Colonics are a safe, simple and naturally effective way to cleanse the body and puts you in control of your own health and wellness. If healthy, your bowel eliminations should be long, snake-like and float.



With Natural Colon Cleansing, also called Colon Hydrotherapy or Colonics we have brought back the simplicity of wellness through a forgotten ancient natural method, which over time has helped maintain the wellbeing of people across many civilizations. Colonics are a safe, simple and naturally effective way to cleanse the body and puts you in control of your own health and wellness. If healthy, your bowel eliminations should be long, snake-like and float.

How healthy is your elimination?
Excluding skin cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. American Cancer Society’s estimates for the annual number of colorectal cancer cases in the United States:

  • Annually about 104,610 new cases of colon cancer is the US
  • Annually about 43,340 new cases of rectal cancer in the US

Why Should I Cleanse? >>

Colon Hydrotherapy has been around since around 1500 B.C. and is mentioned not only in the Ebers Papyrus, an ancient Egyptian medical document, but also in the Essence Gospels of Peace.

Learn More About The History of Colon Kydrotherapy (Colonics)  >>